John 5, With Our Arms to the Sun, Silver Gun, Son of Swan, Trees, Dallas

John 5-9DALLAS – Walking into Trees around 8pm, one wouldn’t foresee the powerful energy that would later fill the room.  The opening band, Silvergun, played as people drifted in from the cold.  It was a small crowd at first, but everyone was clearly enjoying themselves.

Son of Swan gave the strongest performance of the three opening acts.  The first song, “Cry Out”, tore through the venue to start off the head banging.  Their one fault was that each song after paled in comparison, however, “Dog Days”, an instrumental, was definitely a redeemer.   Their electric presence on stage made it obvious that they enjoyed performing for the crowd.

John Lowery, AKA John 5, is a versatile guitarist moving skillfully through a range of music from
bluegrass to metal and everything in the middle.  The strong sounds flowed Son of Swan-1from the stage like waves and washed down over through the audience until crashing against the back wall.  John 5 put on a strong performance, they were serious about their music and put on a lively stage
performance.  They weaved their way through genres and eras in their music with a sense of style and touch of humor.  The final song, “Sweet Dreams”, left the crowd completely satisfied.

Article by: Audrey Werth
Photos by:  Barry Andersen

With Our Arms to the Son-3 With Our Arms to the Son-1 Son of Swan-5 Son of Swan-4 Silvergun-3 Silvergun-2 John 5-6 John 5-2 John 5-1


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