8 Ball Aitken To Perform at SXSW At The Iconic Saxon Pub

Plays Prime 10 p.m. Slot on Saturday, March 19 Americana Roster

Also Featuring Bands Fronted by Guy Forsyth, Jon Langford

AUSTIN, Texas — It took 8 Ball Aitken a little longer ’cause he had to come from Australia, but he got to Texas as soon as he could, and now he’s ready to celebrate his new Austin home with an official South By Southwest showcase on Saturday, March 19, at Austin’s iconic Saxon Pub, 1320 S. Lamar Blvd. Aitken performs at 10 p.m. on the Americana-filled bill, also featuring Austinites Charlie Faye & the Fayettes, the Hot Nut Riveters (with Guy Forsyth) and Shurman, plus Bad Luck Jonathan (featuring Jon Langford and Whiskeytown alum Phil Wandscher) and the Giving Tree Band.

With a roots-rock/country sound The Boot called “reminiscent of Tom Petty, but with a little more swamp,” Aitken has been knocking out audiences down under for a dozen years, and even had a No. 1 hit with his song, “She’s Going to Mexico, I’m Going to Jail.” But stateside audiences are hearing it for the first time on his self-titled American debut, released Feb. 26 — unless they’ve already made it to one of his rollicking live shows, where the newly minted U.S. citizen plays what he likes to call  “party music for the real hillbillies.”

“If the girls don’t dance, it ain’t rock ’n’ roll,” Aiken insists. Here in his new Texas home, that’s a challenge. Ladies — and gents — polish those boots and get ready to stomp your heels. And watch for 8 Ball all around Austin during Southby, followed by the shows all around Texas. And beyond.

8 Ball Aitken tour dates

March 15 – B.D. Riley’s (daytime)

March 15 – The Continental Club, Houston

March 19 – B.D. Riley’s (daytime)

March 19 – Saxon Pub, Austin (Official SXSW Showcase)

March 24 – The Forge, Ben Wheeler, Texas

March 25 – Red Brick Tavern, Conroe, Texas

March 26 – Old Texas Brewing Co., Burleson, Texas

April 2 – Wallaby Ranch, Davenport, Fla.

April 6 – The Open Studio, Englewood, Fla.

April 9-10 – Stringbreak Festival, Brooksville, Fla.

April 15 – Lunazoot, Tampa, Fla.

April 16 – Americana Community Music Association listening room, Fort Myers, Fla.

April 21 – Richard’s Café, Nashville, Tenn.

April 22 – The Fillin’ Station, Kingston Springs, Tenn.

April 23 – 360 Burger, Nashville, Tenn.


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