Dirty Little Freaks – Hat Tricks, Lewisville

By Jammie Fladebo and Ryan Javier

Photos by Ryan Javier

LEWISVILLE:  On a chilly February twenty first, the band Dirty Little Freaks took to the stage at Coach Joe’s Hat Tricks for their first public concert.

Dozens were on hand and in good spirits throughout the entire show. Because the group is north Texas’ first and only tribute band dedicated to the artist Pink, there was a little apprehension as to whether the Freaks’ source material and their renditions would be well-received by the eclectic crowd.  As Dirty Little Freaks began, the audience immediately warmed to the band. By the time they played their third song, everyone in the house was hanging on their every word.

Dirty Little Freaks played a solid, flawless set of popular cover songs and put on a phenomenal show. Theirpinkjpg stage presence was that of seasoned professionals; they succeeded in mastering the cardinal rule of winning over any house, by playing to the audience, instead of simply playing for the audience.

Expertly performing a lengthy set of obviously well-rehearsed songs, Dirty Little Freaks were impressive as they were talented. It was apparent that this was not the first time these extraordinary musicians have played together.

frksJPGDirty Little Freaks have been successfully performing together under the name Crossing Main since 2012.  Crossing Main began to incorporate a few Pink tunes into their set last summer and audience reaction was phenomenal.  As more and more Pink songs were added to Crossing Main’s repertoire, the band soon realized that they had accumulated enough tunes for a full Pink set and thus Dirty Little Freaks was born.  A troupe of true workaholics, the band continues to perform under the guise of both projects, already having dates to play dual concerts, as Dirty Little Freaks opening for Crossing Main.

Driven by the breathtaking vocals of lead singer and frontwoman, Julia “Julz” McFerrin, Dirty Little Freaks229j and Crossing Main are comprised of Brian Small on bass, lead axe man Michael Demma, Brandon “Boss Hogg” on rhythm guitar and newcomer Antonio Garza on percussion.

Despite having a wide following, these musicians remain humble, desiring to simply play and preform: stating that their collective love of music is the true motivating factor.  Dirty Little Freaks honestly admire Pink and have an emotional attachment to her music and lyrics which shone through during the set at Hat Tricks.  The Freaks were able to exquisitely capture the true essence of the artist Pink and embodied her spirit like only true fans could.





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