Saint Ridley, Combichrist, Filter Coal Chamber, Gas Monkey Live!, Dallas

DALLAS – Hundreds packed out the Gas Monkey Live!, occupying every square inch of available floor space.  They were here for the reunion tour of perhaps one of the greatest musical acts of the last half-century, Coal Chamber.  After spending roughly a decade on hiatus, this legendary group is back in the saddle again with a new album, Rivals, and a new tour, which wound its way through Dallas, TX.

Fans arrived early creating huge lines that engulfed the entire parking lot at the Gas Monkey Live!. Upon asking dozens of individuals as to why they were here, the unanimously resounding answer was: “Coal Chamber, of course”.2

The concert began shortly after 6:00 PM, when the opening act Saint Ridley took to the stage.  Dual giant-sized flat screened televisions which were affixed above opposing sides of the stage broadcasted life size, full HD images, ensured that every glorious moment of the show could be seen by all in the house, even those in the very back.

Saint Ridley’s hard driving heavy tunes were the perfect way to get what turned out to be a truly excellent concert off and running. Next up was metal-heads Combichrist whose theatrics and costumery were so very righteous. This band definitely came to put on a show and the crowd ate it up.

3After Combichrist concluded an epic set, veteran rockers Filter appeared.  Filter’s unique and endearing sound helped define an entire generation. Judging by the audience’s reaction and the sheer number of fans singing back, Filter’s popularity has shown no signs of slowing down.  It was incredible to see this quintessential 90’s band still going strong.

Coal Chamber, the band who all had come to witness in the flesh, took the stage at the Gas Monkey Live!.  Amidst a cacophony of cheers from the crowd, Coal Chamber began their astonishing set.  They performed fan favorite as well as new songs from their entire catalog, spanning over two decades of their monumental musical career.  The fans loved every second of it, from the classic hit single, Loco, all the way to when they played their final tune, Sway, which was truly the proverbial icing on the cake.

For band info and future tour dates, visit Coal Chamber’s website.

Article by: Ryan Javier
Photos by: Jason Crews, AJ Miragliotta

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