Gregory Alan Isakov, Leif Vollebekk, Emo’s, Austin

AUSTIN – On January 31, Austin was blessed with the performance of Gregory Alan Isakov and Montreal-based singer and song writer, Leif Vollebekk.  During the performance, the sound of blues ensembles collectively performed three types of music instruments.  Leif is not only an incredibly talented singer/song writer but also wonderfully gifted with harmonica and violin.  As the blue light sets the mood at the beginning of the song from his album, North Americana, the texture changed rapidly as the harmonica took the melody through its entirely. The dynamics throughout this performance were passionate, easygoing, and worthwhile experience which was a perfect fit for Austin crowd.  It was an enjoyable evening indeed and a fantastic beginning to the new and upcoming artist who is diversified as a gifted individual.

Gregory Alan Isakov was born in Johannesburg, South Africa but currently resides in Boulder, Colorado. DSC_7506Music has always been a big part of his life, and there is no secret that Isakov is absolutely extraordinary at what he does.  In fact, the concert was sold out many days prior to the event . A line of screaming fans was wrapped around Emos hours before opening as it was general admission. Who wouldn’t want to have the best seat in the house?

Isalov’s voice was excellent throughout, and he was a thrill to watch.  Before the concert, I had no idea who Gregory was, but by the end of his performance, I was completely embellished by his rhythms of storytelling.  This was my first experience hearing Gregory Alan Isakov performed live.  I enjoyed both the music piece and the instruments accompanied by his fellow band members.  I am certain that everyone who attended this concert will be looking forward to return soon if he ever tours this way again.

Article by:  Waraporn Bollenbacher
Photos by:  Jason Bollenbacher

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