A Conversation with Heavy Alternative Rock Band Sledd

TTL: This is a reunion of sorts being back on the road with Tesla.  What is it like being back on the road with them?

Sledd: Like leaving leaving off in a really good book where you just kind of run out of time and now you find that time again to get back in the groove. The best thing about it is when you pick up from where you left off,  it is just as exciting as it was when you read the first 3 or 4 chapters.

TTL: You are also celebrating in march 20 years as a band.  That is phenomenal.  Not many bands can say that.

Sledd: 20 years is a long crazy ride.  We have met alot of people and played in alot of places. We have covered a good part of the country in 25 to 30 states and all the different venues and city’s. We were here last March for Rock Fest. You always figure you come back to a great place and a great venue.  Austin is a great music city.  You never know when or where your travels are going lead you or where you will end up

TTL: SXSW is coming up. Maybe coming down for that ?

Sledd: Probably not hahah will still be touring.

TTL: Will you be joining Tesla for their entire tour?

Sledd: Not all of it we are touring now with them, then will break off and come back in April with them.

TTL: You have a New Album out.

Sledd: We just finished our fourth album called Get Rich Quick Scheme.  Produced and engineered by Don Lithgow.

TTL: What song do you think is best?  Any favorites?

Sledd: Each one of us would give you a different answer and our fans would do the same. Sirrus has picked up and playing on Octane and Lithium our title track “Get Rich Quick Scheme”.  There are songs on the albums that could be classified as hit songs. Then there are songs that our fans and our friends, who we call Sledd heads,  love like “Suicide Doors” which is a prototypical Sledd song.  Yet will it be a top 40 hit?  Who Knows?  I’ll tell you though, amongst Sledd fans they’re  going to cherish a song like that and a song like “Toxic Love”.  Other people may classify as a B side songs.  When we write we don’t write this song is going to be this or this song is going to be that.  You put all you got into everything you write.  When you finish recording it you hope its how you envisioned when you wrote it.

There are also songs we have that I’ve been  listening to more and then there songs that are just so fun to play live like “Suicide Doors” which is so fun to play live. My head can’t stop moving on that song.  Its just a hard driving grooving type song.  It’s really what we are all about.  Then you have a song like “The Raft” or “People Watching”.  I am hearing from alot of our fans that’s a hit,  that’s something they love.  They are saying “People Watching” is the best song on the album.

TTL: This album has been two  years  in developing, correct?

Sledd: About 2 years yes. It has been a lot of work writing it, tracking it, mixing it.  Sometimes it just takes awhile.  Art can take awhile.  Insane Laughter came quicker which was our third album before this.  Each album has its own personality and identity. They are  different animals to wrestle. You hear some of the bass tracks that Ronnie plays, who is a huge Geddy Lee fan. He doesn’t emulate Geddy Lee, but you can hear the influence of him.

TTL: This is your second stop on the tour.  Is it the best so far?

Sledd: The best part of the tour should always be the upcoming show.

TTL: What is your favorite meal on the road?

Troy Luccetta organic juices, vegetables, got to stay healthy.

TTL: The worst thing?

Sledd: Fast Food.  Any kind of fast food.  When your touring mid west or south and you get on the bus at 1am,  all there is open is Pilot gas stations.  There’s  not much choice.  That can become a drag.  Sometimes that is the low point of touring.   You just want something good.  You just got done rocking and you may have to get on the road right away because you have to do 800 miles by the next night.   You kind of hope for a decent meal and that isn’t how it works with rock and roll.

TTL: Best state to tour in?

Sledd: Texas is a great state.  People are really supportive.  It’s not so much a state but regions.  Not to disrespect any other areas but I have to tell you the Midwest supports hard rock heavy metal.  They come out in the rain or snow, if its Monday night or Friday night.

Guys like Tesla, they keep it going. They keep our scene and our style of music.  The long hair the rock and roll, tattoos , motorcycles, show cars, and Harley Davidson’s.  What were all about, what there all about and what our music scene is all about. There are alot of people still all about it.  We just had this conversation last night.  They are groups of us, its our click. Like going back to high school.  Jocks hung with the jocks, the freaks with the freaks, the rocker with the rockers and the rockers are still hanging today.  They support our music and our lifestyle.  That is how we all embark and put our stamp on this.  This  is who we all are.  this is what we’re all about.  Maybe were not the most popular style of music anymore, but we’re keeping it alive not only for ourselves but those who continue to listen to Heavy Metal.

Interview by: Jason Bollenbacher

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