Drop The Gloves Tour With Sirens and Sailors and Plot In Your Interview Hit Pomona, California


Interview and photos by:  Ashley Fava

The energy was high the second night of the Drop The Gloves tour 2016 at The Glass House in Pomona, CA. We had the chance to catch up with Kyle Bihrle vocalist for Sirens And Sailors and Josh Childress plus Landon Tewers from The Plot In You.

Sirens And Sailors Interview:

Your new album came out, Rising Moon: Setting Sun, in August of 2015?

Kyle: Yes, at the end of Warped Tour.

You got to play to some of Warped Tour if I’m correct?

Kyle: Yeah we got to play the second half of Warped Tour. Our album came out the second to last day of Warped Tour.

Did you play any new songs on Warped Tour?

Kyle: We played a couple new songs on that tour, two of which we are playing on this tour and playing another one this tour.

How has it been playing these new songs live to the fans?

Kyle: Since this is our second tour that we eventually got to play since our album came out. We had a tour with Escape The Fate, that was kind of like our album promotion tour. Even though it was a couple of months after our album came out but we didn’t have a tour until that tour since Warped. But so far it’s been great. People actually come up and ask us what we are playing off this album. Then I usually just ask “well what do you want to hear?” Not necessarily saying that we are going to play the ones they want to hear but just to see what their answer is. Usually it’s the ones that we are playing. So that’s good.

Has there been any favorites off Rising Moon: Setting Sun?

Kyle: There’s been a couple, as far as people asking they ask if we’re going to play Undefeated, Chorus of The Dead which is another track and Never There gets requested a lot. They also ask us to play Rising Moon Setting Sun which is our title track. But for Live we just like to keep the energy high and that’s more of a song, not that it’s not high energy, but its just not the energy we’re looking for Live. But we’ll play it at hometown, headlining shows.

What was your favorite song you wrote on this record?

Kyle: Actually the title track, Rising Moon Setting Sun, was my initial favorite. I was really proud lyrically of how it came together. It’s just one of those songs, man it came together so easily for me. And that’s why I just loved it so much. It just fell into place for me, specifically writing the lyrics. And another one of my favorites is a song called Hopeless One. We haven’t really played that one Live yet but eventually we will.

Could you tell us why it was your favorite song?

Kyle: The song just as a whole to me, I feel like its one of the best songs we’ve ever written. I love the style and the sound of it. Not only the screaming vocals but also the singing vocals I love on it. It just sets the tone for the whole CD. I feel like its a great title track because it’s got a little of each side of the aggressiveness of the album and the singing parts. It’s a good happy medium. I feel like if there was one track to describe the whole CD it’d be that (Rising Moon Setting Sun) song.

Has your band, Sirens And Sailors, been able to play any of these venues before this tour, Drop The Gloves Tour?

Kyle: So far this is only the second day of this tour. But no we haven’t played either of these venues (The Catalyst – Santa Cruz, CA & The Glass House – Pomona, CA). We’re really excited for today, we’ve heard great things about this venue (The Glass House). Sound Check for BlessTheFall sounded great today. The only venues I think we have played on this tour, Drop The Gloves Tour, is the one we are playing in Portland – Hawthorne Theatre. And in New York City – Webster Hall, but we’ve never played the room we’re playing there. We’ve played the tour tears under it but now we’re playing the bigger room this tour. So it’s pretty cool cause we’re like we started at the bottom, went to the middle, now we’re at the big one.

Have you toured with any of the bands on this tour before?

Kyle: No, we’ve played a couple of shows with The Plot In You before. Actually I guess you could say that we did tour with them, BlessTheFall and Miss May I, were both on Warped Tour when we were on Warped Tour. We weren’t on the same stage or anything so we weren’t really close with them. But we did watch them quite a few times when we were on that tour.

Are you guys fans of the bands you’re touring with?

Kyle: We can definitely pick out songs out of every band thats playing this tour. We’d say oh we like that song. Some of it is new to us, but that’s the cool thing about being on tour with new bands that you haven’t toured with before. Because by the end of it, you’re a fan. You hear their songs every night and you’re like oh I love this song and we’ll play it in the van. That’s just kind of what comes with the territory that comes with touring. Cause even if you don’t know the band very well, by the end of the tour you’re pretty familiar with it.

What can we expect for Sirens and Sailors in 2016?

Kyle: We don’t have anything planned at the moment, just a couple of offers on the table. And we’ll see what we are gonna do. I don’t know if we’re gonna be busy during the summer or not. We’re not on Warped Tour this year so touring against Warped Tour isn’t really the smartest thing to do. So we may have the summer off but I’m not sure yet. I’m sure come Spring and Fall Time we might have something going on. They’re trying to keep us busy.

The Plot In You Interview:


Since your latest album, Happiness in Self Destruction, dropped back in October of 2015. What has been your favorite song to play live?

Josh: Either “Take Me Away” or “Die Like Brothers” they’re both super fun to play.

Landon: Yeah, same.

What is your favorite off the album that you haven’t played live?

Landon & Josh: Better Vibes.

Josh: We haven’t played that yet. That is my favorite song off the record we haven’t played.

How has the fan response been so far Live with these new songs?

Josh: It’s pretty good for the new record. People seem to be accepting of it.

Has your band played any of these venues before?

Landon: Yeah, pretty much all of them.

Josh: Yeah somewhere around fifteen times.

What is your favorite venue to play?

Landon: Um this place is cool, The Glass House. Any East Coast venue is usually pretty sweet.

Josh: Probably Chain Reaction if we’re talking about California. The Palladium is always cool to play.

What are the plans for The Plot In You for the rest of 2016?

Josh: We’ve got some tours  in the works. And we have some music videos that we are stoked about. Everything is kind of  in the developing stages.

Landon: We are trying to put out as much content as we can put out.

How many videos have you guys made for songs off this album?

Landon: We have shot two so far and we’ve got another one that we just shot actually the day before. So that should probably be out within the next month or two.

Be sure to go check out all the bands on Drop The Gloves Tour, you won’t want to miss this tour.

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