Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad – Steamboat Springs

Article & photos by Shanna Fisher.

Saturday afternoon was a “bluebird” day in gorgeous Steamboat Springs, Colorado.  The cherry on top of a flawless day was Giant Panda Guerrilla Dub Squad (GPGDS) absolutely crushed their set at the base of the mountain.  Playing a full two hour set, GPGDS, who hail form Rochester, NY, played smooth reggae to foot stomping bluegrass that everyone thoroughly enjoyed.  The band was finishing up their Colorado tour with the show and ended their tour in classic reggae style.  Playing one song after the other, GPGDS tossed in a beautiful Grateful Dead cover that had kids from ages 0-90 dancing, then ended with one more awesome giant panda dub tune.

For those of you out there who haven’t been to Steamboat Springs, go there for the world class skiing/snowboarding and good vibes.  For those of you who haven’t seen Giant Panda Guerrilla Dub Squad, go seen them the next time they swing your city for a great show.


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