Housecore Horror Film Festival III – Best weekend ever.



Article & Video by: Alexis Benitez & Steven

Photos by: Alexis Benitez

SAN ANTONIO, TX Crowds of metal and horror fans gathered at the much anticipated 3rd annual Housecore Horror Film Festival ( my favorite weekend of the year) in San Antonio, Texas  between the entire 7th floor of the Holiday Inn Riverwalk, The Aztec theatre and the Korova. This year’s Housecore was emotionally charged after the passing of a great friend to all and a wonderful true crime author, Corey Mitchell. The festival kicked off on Thursday evening at The Korova with Aggravator, Protest, The Black Moriah, Black Breath, and Idolatry. Friday the 13th was the best Friday the 13th I’ve ever experienced! Corey Mitchell’s favorite film, “Henry: Portrait of a serial killer” was played, amongst several other horror films. The afternoon was filled with bands Butcher, Bloodfuckers, Fat Stupid Ugly People, Hollyhock and Valdur at The Korova and the evening brought some of the best metal at The Aztec Theatre with bands like Child Bite, War Beast, Eyehategod, Exodus, Superjoint,and  King Diamond! This was the first time I was able to see King Diamond and I can’t go on enough about how amazing his performance was – the theatrics were amazing, the lighting was awesome (from a photographer’s point of view), and the vocal range that he still has is mind blowing. We were able to interview Steve “Zetro” Souza and the majority of Eyehategod, who were all so great to talk with and such genuinely nice and humble guys. I can’t wait to see King Diamond and Exodus again in Dallas on December 5th!

Saturday was another amazing day that featured the world premiere of American Guinea Pig: Bloodshock, although the room was at capacity before I was able to get in, Director Marcus Koch and Producer/Screenwriter and director of the first of the American Guinea Pig films, Stephen Biro informed me that the pre-sale will be happening (tentatively) in July, where you can get a scalpel, a tongue used on set or a vile of blood used on set as an extra! So, look out for this is you love gore and horror. Check out the other work that these guys do on their website at…these guys are incredible people! The music this day/night featured Krigblast, Kill it Again, Classhole, Ossacrux, The Unnaturals, Thor, Fang and Disfigured at The Korova and The Aztec Theatre had Poison Idea, Cripple Bastards (I never had the chance to hear them before, but boy were they awesome! Check these guys out if you haven’t already!), Dropdead, Crowbar, Negative Approach, Corrosion of Conformity (yes! I finally got to see Pepper sing!), Agoraphobic Nosebleed – so amazing and wonderful people, and Suffocation. Following this amazing day, The Aztec Theatre showed Deathgasm! I HIGHLY recommend you see this film. I was thoroughly entertained the entire time, laughed a ton and it was done well. It was refreshing to see a horror comedy that was done this well. Kudos to you guys! I look forward to seeing more of your work! The vendors that Housecore brought on this year were really amazing! And I spent a lot buying a second collection of band teeshirts…well worth it, though! One notable vendor that I have to mention because he was so talented, is artist Patrick Hart. He makes amazingly detailed horror busts and wall hangings. He had a Freddy Kreuger and Pinhead bust that were spot on! Definitely go check out his website at and AMAZING work, Patrick!

Sunday was, of course, another amazing and busy day…but knowing that it was the last day of the festival always bums me out and I am already counting down to next year’s Housecore. We were able to interview Kevin of Superjoint and most of Agoraphobic Nosebleed. We caught a couple of awesome shorts that day; Good Morning Carlos (Bom Dia Carlos), directed by Gurus Gewdner – If you ever pondered what it would be like to have a reverse bowel movement – this is for you, but it is hilariously creepy! I absolutely love how they did this. You can check out their merchandise and films at and find them on Facebook at On a more serious, creepy note, we caught Vicious by Oliver Park and with being accepted into ten film festivals, I was expecting something awesome, but this short definitely surpassed my expectations. The story was great and built up suspense and a little anxiety ( you can catch the trailer at From a technical standpoint, the sound was done well, the coloring and quality of the film was gorgeous and the acting was believable and well done. Awesome job to the crew who worked on this – I can’t wait to see what else is coming from you guys! The Korova ended their night with sets from Los Revolutionaries, Honky, Big Okie Doom, Mountain of Wizard and Hellknife; while The Aztec finished off with Muscle and Marrow, Gristnam, Author & Punisher, YOB, Ghoul, Incantation, Autopsy ( who I got to jam out to next to Bill Moseley!) and Goblin playing the live score of Dawn of the Dead. There was also a tribute to Corey Mitchell where Phil brought Mitchell’s wife onstage and an emotional tribute video was played in his honor. This year an award was created in his honor as well and was awarded to Alan Ormsby.

Overall, this weekend was amazing and I wouldn’t change anything about it (maybe make it a month long!), but watching horror movies and listening to your idols play amazing music in a crowd of people who share the same love of these things as you is an incredible experience. The band members and artists are humble and walk amongst the fans and take the time to talk to us, take picture with us when we get fangirl/fanboy ish. It’s quite the experience. Also, a special THANK YOU SO MUCH to Steve “Zetro” Souza, Kevin Bond, Eyehategod and Agoraphobic Nosebleed (Richard, thank you for the Drugs of Faith CD) for taking the time out of your hectic tour schedules to talk with us and do interviews. Also, another HUGE THANK YOU to Liz, Katy and Kristin for being so awesome and helping set all of these awesome interviews. You ladies are seriously amazing.

Until next year, friends!



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Check out the video interview with Eyehategod here.

Check out the video interview with Steve “Zetro” Souza here.

Check out the video interview with Kevin Bond of Superjoint here.

Check out the video interview with Agoraphobic Nosebleed here.

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