NWA straight out of Austin. New World Architects

AUSTIN – New World Architects are part industrial punkstep, part speed metalstep, and a whole lotta crazy.  Blowup-dolls, spacesuits, furry guitars and much more greated me as I made my way to the stage.  Their  flamboyance is only overshadowed by there sound which is like NIN smashed Skrillex over the head with DEVO.  Definatly a new generational sound that will be taking over.  Check out there latest music video and songs here or head to their Facebook page and let them know what you think.

TTL: Whats the meaning behind New World Architechts?

NWA: We do have a meaning behind it, but honestly I would just like to leave that up to everyone’s own interpretation.  We’d rather the music and shows define us.

TTL: Tell us the brief history of your band?

NWA: It is a brief history indeed! We haven’t even been around long enough to inspire city wide vandalism or any impulsive tattoos.  But that is to come.

TTL: What influences your over the top style?

NWA: You know how in cop movies in the 90’s, they’d inevitably have to go into some dank pit of a club and there’d be some crazy ass band and a crowd of weird ass kids groping and piercing each other and generally making you wish there were better clubs in your town? Well A) take me to boner town you latex clad avatars of disconcerting sexuality! and B) I always wanted to be in that band.  If anyone is planning a fetish party that needs a live band, please hire us.

TTL: Dreams and goals?

NWA: To one day own a Scrooge McDuck style “Cocaine Bin.”  Kiiiiidding. We really just love writing and playing music.  It’s very therapeutic for all of us and definitely a big part of all of our lives.  We love sharing it with others.  When we see and hear others getting into it the way we do.  Being effected the way we are.  When you see that connection… It’s really just amazing to share that.

TTL: Who writes the songs, what are they about?

NWA: We all contribute to the music.  Our songs are just about life, love, sex, partying, stress, problems, and everything that comes with being human.

TTL: What was the process for recording your album?

NWA: I sat at home and recorded guitar, then emailed the tracks back to SwanBee.  Because we live in the future and I don’t have to go to a “real” studio if I don’t feel like it.  The great majority of my guitar was recorded without pants on.

Hell, I think everything is recorded without pants on.  Our recording process is pretty much all of us getting together at one of our places, hitting record and then drinking a lot.  Then the next day we check it out to see what happened.

TTL: If someone was to say what is that sound?

Sean: Dubstep for punks. Punkstep? Actually I guess it’s not very punk at all.  Polkastep. That’s what it sounds like.  Hmmmm… maybe if modern electronic music had a baby with aggressive grunge….and then it took some shots.

TTL: Whats your take on the record industry today?

NWA: I’ve been having a blast watching the decline.  All the entertainment elite have spent the last decade and a half screaming that the sky is falling, meanwhile Skrillex makes bank with a free album he made on his laptop?  Hilarious!  Everyone has an album (thanks, cheap DAWs!) and distribution now (thanks Soundcloud!) and nobody’s making any money.  At least not the artists.  So I have this dream that I’ll live to see the day that there’s just really not any money in music anymore.  No money to tour, no money to do slick marketing, everyone has to have a day job, etc.  And maybe then we’ll get more honest art and less pretentious wieners trying to grab at that cash.

TTL: What inspires you to do what you do?

NWA: The easy access to sex and drugs. LOL.  AND I like to think I’m a role model for impressionable youth.  I think most of us have written music the majority of our lives.  It’s just a part of us.  It just comes naturally.  It’s always been an outlet.  I’m sure no matter where we are in life we will always write and play music.

 TTL: What are some of your pet peeves?

NWA: Cities that require nipple tape on their strippers.  I’m looking at you, San Antonio.  Cauliflower.  Seriously nature.  F#$% you.  lol

TTL: How does music affect you and the world around you?

NWA: Playing music gives me a socially acceptable excuse to wander through life drunkenly groping strangers.

TTL: What’s new in the recording of your music?

NWA: Right now we are mixing down a new album that should be ready early this summer.  We should be filming a video soon too so our near future consists of a lot of mixing and editing.   Really excited as this is the first album that we have recorded, mixed, edited and mastered completely by ourselves.   As scary as that sounds it has really allowed us to get our sound exactly the way we want it.

TTL: What’s the best and worst thing about playing clubs?

NWA: Best part is drink tickets.  Worst part is getting kicked out for flashing a bouncer.  Lol.  Loading and unloading sucks.  Playing and watching people dance and get into it is the best thing.  I really love talking to people afterwards too.

TTL: Tell us about your next shows and why we should be there

NWA: I think our shows really provide the full experience of our music.  Our shows are pretty much a crazy @$$ party.  We have a synchronized light show, graphics, costumes, blow up dolls and whatever we feel like at the time.  It’s always very interactive.  Our audience comes out ready to party, and so do we.

Interview by:  Jason Bollenbacher

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