Pierce the Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, PVRIS, Mallory Knox, Southside Ballroom, Dallas

DALLAS – On Sunday, March 1st 2015 I had the wonderful opportunity to both review and shoot the Dallas,TX stop of the Pierce the Veil and Sleeping with Sirens world tour. Along for the ride? Special guests Mallory Knox and PVRIS.

Mallory Knox

Good looking boys from the UK, who make good jams. That’s the shortest way to describe Mallory Knox. The long way? 5Think of it as good pop music. But more jammable, and with a stronger musical backbone. Their stage presence appears to still be under construction as it seemed bland and a bit like they’re still growing into who they are as a cohesive unit. But for an opening act that no one seemed to have heard of? Not bad at all.


I was not expecting this band to be as good as they were. Even with hearing nothing but lovely things about them for the past several months, I was halfheartedly expecting some pop rock band. Don’t get me wrong, that’s exactly what they were. The only addition? Their singer has some serious soul. Her voice glides over the electronic beats and pop rock melodies that her bandmates craft. The crowd seemed to get into the entire set, at one point a young gentleman asking if she would go to prom with him. Her reply was graceful, “No thank you. Proms aren’t really my thing, but the invitation is sweet.”  And then they continued into their set. The chemistry between the bandmates was a nice addition; you could really tell that they enjoyed each other’s company. If you’re looking for electronic infused pop rock with a tinge of soul, certainly check PVRIS out.

S4leeping with Sirens

The first time I got to witness Sleeping with Sirens was on Warped Tour. I wasn’t a fan of their live performance, partly because the crowd of teenage girls was out of control. And partly because the band seemed to be comprised of overpaid, overly attractive young men. This time around? Their set was almost enjoyable. Kellin Quinn was on point vocally, and the band seemed to have grown more cohesive since I last saw them. The crowd of young ladies was still out of control, the raging hormones pushing the sold out crowd to the point of insanity. The connection between the fans and Sleeping with Sirens was incredible to witness though. I admire and respect the band simply due to the absolute loyalty that they’ve managed to build with their fan base. Musically? Not my jam. But if you’re into boy bands, hair flips, and poppy choruses, then this might be the band for you.

Pierce the Veil2

I’m not entirely certain what I was expecting once the curtain dropped for Pierce the Veil. But any preconceived notions I had got blown to pieces. They sprinted onto the stage and managed to not only play an incredible set, but to do jumps, kicks, spins, and sprints the entire time. I don’t think I saw them be still for more than a minute. I’m not sure what was more impressive, their wonderful set, or their cardio stamina.  Not only were they fabulous musically, but you could tell that they genuinely enjoyed playing with each other and that they’re just as good of friends off stage, as on stage. In addition, they seem like the type of gentlemen that you could invite over for dinner and they would ask if they should bring anything. If you ever have the chance to see them live? Go do it. I know that I’ll do my best to see them next time they roll into town.

Article and Photos by:  Faye Fetters


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