RJD2, Option4, Closed Caption, Gas Monkey Live!, Dallas

DALLAS – Closed Caption, the Trance House Duo, opened up the bill.  They start off rather relaxing for the first 15 minutes.  closedcaption2 A standard house beat pulsed through the crowd, with a soothing synth and sounds mixed in the air.  A few couples could be seen dancing along with the soothing sounds.  The show was predominantly green and blue lights which set the calm, yet foot-stomping mood.  They continued to introduce new elements into the mix, and definitely showcased some interesting sounds.

Closed Caption obviously enjoyed the amazing sound system at Gas Monkey Live! with their soulful gestures and faces of approval at each other during key parts when the bass and trebles just fit so well.  An upbeat outro definitely got the crowd excited and gave them a taste of what was to come.

As Closed Caption exited the stage, now came Option4.  The intro to the set was definitely pleasing to the bass lovers’ ear Option4_2and chest.  The floor shook and chests were pounding as Option4 just let loose a stampede of bass heavy beats and groove sections. With a dash of funk in there and some occasional electric guitar samples, he really made it a treat and a head banger.  Even he was getting into it behind his table, jumping and dancing.  It definitely was a feel good moment that brought joy to those watching.

As the set went on, the music got groovier and funkier, and the crowd got crazier.  His face proclaimed, “Mission accomplished!’ break.  There was a slight shift to a slower pace for a moment, then suddenly, without warning, a massive build up started and the crowd became restless.  After moments of teasing, he dropped the beat, and the crowd unleashed a wave of energy and dancing.  This beat continued until his chorus-outro that ended in glitching delay sounds and everyone erupted into applause and cheer.

As the crowd waited for the headlining act, RJD2 marches on stage with what appears to be a space suit and a trigger pad attached rjd2_1to his belt.  He speaks and he sounds like a robot with on a voice changer.  The crowd goes crazy!  He messes with the trigger pad, making a variety of beats and teases people of what to come.  He then removes his helmet, goes behind the turntables, and gets down to business.  The opener was a smooth, epic, spacey track and the crowd simply could not get enough.  It looked as if the crowd was beat considering how hard they got into Option 4, however, had obviously saved some energy as they were all moving.  There was a series of heavy bass tracks that made you feel as if you were in a dryer set to max tumble.  It was quite the experience.  He played some new songs for the crowd.  The adventurous sounding track had a mood as if you were half asleep walking into a rainforest.  rjd2_2Soothing; you kind of just start thinking of life at that point. With your thoughts being interrupted, a party-esque song starts fading in; a crowd favorite.  Once more, this showcased Gas Monkey’s sound, and RJD2’s skill.  Keep in mind that during his scratch sessions on the turntables, he used real vinyl.  That’s right. Real vinyl. Nothing like keeping it old school.  Then a series of fat beats overwhelmed and punished everyone’s eardrums until the end of his set and the crowd sent him off with a feeling of accomplishment.  He knew the job was done and the crowd rewarded and showered him with love and appreciation.

Article By: Kevin Castro
Photos By: AJ Miragliotta




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