SpaceWords Make Love Letters to the Universe

By Melodie Ramey

LAFAYETTE, IN – SpaceWords opened up for Blind Melon on New Year’s Day this year much to the delight of the masses, myself included. It was the first time I had ever had the pleasure to see them, but I’ll have to admit I was immediately blown away. I was permeated with a thick rush of nostalgia as their melodies poured from the stage into my ears. I quickly flashed back to the days where nothing in life mattered unless the music of Alice In Chains, Nirvana, or Tool was playing in the background. This was so much better, though, because this was right here, right now. I even got a reminder of their greatness during the following headlining performance when Travis Warren invited William John Pinnick from SpaceWords to share the mic during a phenomenal version of Blind Melon’s “No Rain”.  I knew I would have to find out more about SpaceWords asap, and share it with the world.

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SpaceWords formed in November of 2013 in Lafayette, Indiana. They are loved on the local scene gaining acclaim and hordes of followers everywhere they go. The band is composed of Kevin Hull on guitar & vocals, William John Pinnick on guitar & vocals, Aaron Ade on guitar, Kelly Greene on bass, and  Jeff Lageveen on drums. They released their first album in November of 2015, and it was met with a wave of appreciation and support from the community and beyond. It is self-titled, and made up of eight powerful tracks all with music and lyrics by members of the band. It was recorded, mixed, and mastered by Casey Latter at the Lafayette Theater.

“I Was Sleepin'” is the first song of the eight. It begins with a spectacular intro that pulls my pulse along with the beat, and sets the tone for the whole album fantastically well. My mind is already buried deep in the trance created by the melodies before track two begins. The second song titled “Bury” is the obvious stand out on the album. The simple straight forward lyrics really hit home, and have me singing along by the last chorus. It always feels good to know you’re not alone, and I can tell these guys have been there. “Cricket” comes out of my speakers next with a fast paced Led Zepplin-esque euphony which, of course, makes me extraordinarily excited for what’s to come. “Can’t Complain” chills me out, and by the end somehow suddenly I don’t think I can complain either. “Wide Eyed” is the fifth song, and I immediately notice the masterful resonance flying from the guitar as if it were weeping, a personification that has me longing to stay here by its side. “Now I Have To” begins with a hint of Hendrix in the notes, but has a much more somber tone that somehow leaves me comforted. The seventh song, “DMT“, begins to play, and I’m sad because I know this short album is almost at it’s end. “Ignorant To Bliss” is a phenomal final track. The words ask “Would you, could you go in with me?” but what they don’t know is that I had already agreed to go anywhere with them clear back in the middle of the 2nd song. Every single song on this album including the last was everything I had expected from seeing them live and more. The final song comes to a close, and just when I think I’m about to come down from my new music rush, a hidden/bonus track kicks in. This all instrumental piece is something written and recorded by Pinnick, and carries me up and out of the album with a euphoric cacophony of goodness wrapped in a lullaby.

In the end I am definitely left longing for an encore of those soul penetrating vocals from Kevin Hull and William John Pinnick. I’m also suddenly feeling like I should revisit my entire collection of Alice in Chains, so for this cerebral motivation I think I owe SpaceWords some gratitude, and a round of applause. I suppose Layne Staley may be the only one that will be able to console me as I wait with pungent anticipation for SpaceWords to release their second album. The band has a tour in the works starting with a show at the Elbo Room in Chicago on Mar 19. I often find you can’t beat the energy a band emanates in their own home town, though, so make sure to also check them out on February 20 at the Lafayette Theater. I know I can’t wait to catch at least one of those shows if not both, and I better see you all there! Until then check out their website for more info at

Check out more from SpaceWords opening for Blind Melon on New Year’s Day below

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