The Motet – Hometown Hustle – Ogden Theatre – Denver

By Shanna Fisher

DENVER, CO – The Motet, based in Denver Colorado, once again delighted their hometown fans for a two night appearance at the Ogden Theater with their first night entitled Hometown Hustle.

The evening started with a fantastic performance by the opener, The Main Squeeze. The Main Squeeze absolutely kicked-off the evening off on the right foot with their groovy melodies and funkadelic vibe. All of the band members were fantastic, but Max Newman on the guitar really rocked with his skills. Max’s guitar solos had the audience in awe as everyone was memorized with his talent. Seeing The Main Squeeze should be a main priority for concert goers who have not been to their show yet.

Piggy backing on The Main Squeeze’s performance, The Motet delivered exactly what the crowd wanted. Drummer and leader, Dave Watts, engineered a flawless night with the entire crowds heads’ bobbing and dancing to their new material. The packed house loved every minute of The Motet’s vibe and it was difficult not to dance.

The Motet is not about to slow down and is still touring around the country. Be sure to check them out where their next shows are here.



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