The Water Boys, Camden Round House, London

Mike Scott and The Waters Boys have now been at it for over 30 years. They are currently on tour promoting their newest of 11 albums Modern Blues.

Not surprising, the set showcased tracks from their new album and as they say, it does what it says on the tin, Modern Blues is just that. Scott’s classic and familiar story-telling pulls all the tracks together whilst synth, drum and some heavy guitar licks give the whole thing a “new” feel. Having said that, there were a good number of old tracks mixed in with the set that seemed to keep the audience bubbling along.

Clearly a lot of thought (and 30 years of experience) went into structuring this gig. There were songs to dance to, sing-along power anthems, a few ballads and even an Ellie Golding cover for the younger members of the audience.

For me, the most remarkable thing is that even after 30 years in the business these guys still looked like DSC_5274edit1they were having the best time of their lives. It must have rubbed off on the audience as the atmosphere in the Round House was brilliant.

If you’re an old fan of The Water Boys then you’re in for a real treat.  If you’re looking for something cutting edge and different, Modern Blues probably isn’t for you. If you’re a potential new fan, then like me, you just might get hooked.

Article and photos by: Zak Macro





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