They Might be Giants, Stubb’s, Austin

They might be Giants-12AUSTIN, TX – Given the onslaught of rain that has doused Austin as of late, many arrived at Stubbs expecting an outdoor mud pit.  Instead, they was pleasantly surprised to find the venue ready to rock – and rock it did.  They Might Be Giants played for a packed house on Thursday, May 14.  The fan base was decidedly eclectic and included a broad range of ages; everything from clean-cut young professionals to tatted senior hippies.  Perhaps that’s not surprising for a band that has been connecting with audiences of all ages and walks of life for more than three decades.

It’s been 33 years since John Linnell and John Flansburgh formed They Might Be Giants. They have brought usThey might be Giants-10 quirky humor, epic creativity, and melodic sophistication in their music over the years.  Thursday’s show was no exception.  Over the course of the show, we heard a very unique combination of guitars, drums, keyboards, and a saxophone intertwined with innovative electronic sounds.

They Might Be Giants is best known for their wild fusion of new wave pop and artsy post-punk experiments from the New York underground.  They showcased tunes from their 16th studio album, Nanobots, their latest compilation Glean, as well as several other albums.  The songs were catchy, upbeat and a perhaps a little bit weird – in the best possible way.

giantsAfter playing a couple of songs, the band took a break to tell the crowd that they weren’t accustomed to being photographed, and to thank the photographers who were present.  Then they invited TTL’s Jason Bollenbacher on stage and posed for a shot with the crowd.

One of the memorable quotes from John Linnell was, “…we are excited to be in Austin, TX.  We have been touring so much that we are sick and tired of ourselves”.  It’s safe to say that they have retained their sense of humor as well as their catchy lyrics.

Next time They Might be Giants comes to your home town you should definitely make it a point to be there, strap in, and get ready for a enjoyable evening filled with catchy creative songs that live in a universe of their own making.  Visit their facebook page for all the latest on their tour.

Article by:  Diego Donamaria
Photos by:  Jason Bollenbacher and Diego Donamaria

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