TTL sits with Sam Riggs of Sam Riggs and The Night People

Sam Riggs gave TTL a moment at the recent Lone Star Jam after his set and before his voice completely fizzled out.  Though disappointed with his less then perfect voice the fans did not mind at all.  Singing along with most of his songs.  His show and performance are something not to be missed.   Though a transplant to the Lone Star State, Sam is a Texan through and through.

TTL: In your set we heard many  influences.  A little Metallica , Pearl Jam, Country.   What influences you the most?

Sam Riggs:  Man I defiantly say rock, metal, some bluegrass and country.  I grew up with a plethora of musical influences.   On my playlist right now, I have Coheed and Cambria pulled up on my ipod.  I listen to all kinds.

TTL: You mentioned  just got back from College Station…. you have been touring for a while.

Sam Riggs:  We have been on the road two weeks, but we pretty much tour 365.  Coming up I have a week and half off while my drummer gets married.  Ill be able to do some fishing and relax, but right after that back on the road doing two to six shows a week.

TTL: You moved from Florida to Austin.  Are you still loving the lone star state.

Sam Riggs:  Definitely!  The cool thing about Austin,  it’s such a springboard for the entire nation.  You can tour out of this town and hit every town.  It’s the best decision I have ever made.

TTL:  We saw a multitude of instruments on stage.  How many do you play?

Sam Riggs:  I play four instruments’ violin, guitar, drum and banjo.

TTL: What does the future hold for Sam Riggs and the Night People?

Sam Riggs:  I am finishing up writing a record.  We are going to be putting it out first quarter of next year.   This record will transcend anything we have ever done before.  We put out, Out Run The Sun, two years ago and it was lighting a fuse on a rocket.  The confidence that I felt with the songs then, I feel ten times more about on our next album.

TTL:  Do you miss playing the small bar life?

Sam Riggs:  We still get into some smokey bars every now and then.  I do miss the simplicity of it.  I am a really down to earth guy.  I miss being able to walk out and hang out with people before the show.  I am glad to be in the bigger venues as well.

TTL:  You mentioned Chris Kyle and did a shout out for service members.  Are you looking at doing a service member tour overseas?

Sam Riggs:  Would love nothing more than that.  There are different ways to go about it and my team is currently looking into it.  Definitely a huge fan of all military and a huge fan of Chris before the movie .  He was a hell of a man and a hell of a story.

TTL: Any words for the Sam Riggs fans out there?

Sam Riggs:  Thanks to all the fans out there and the fans here putting up with my raspy voice today.  Barley made it through the show but we made it and I’m grateful to them for it.

Interview and photos by:  Jason Bollenbacher

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